Twitter messages allow only 140 characters, so short User-Names make sense. If you did not realize that the length of your username would impact your message length, don't worry. You can follow these steps to update your account:
Step 1: Sign in to your Twitter Account
Step 2: Select "Settings (upper right)."
- A new page opens, displaying the "Account" tab,
Step 3: Select "Username Field (second field, top left)."
- Update with your preferred shortened name.
- Twitter will warn you about name availability
Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select "Save" (blue button)
Followers will be automatically updated with your new twitter name once your changes have been saved.
Step 5: Lastly, if you want to ensure other people do not re-use your OLD Twitter User Name, you will need to register it again under another e-mail account. This will make it "Not-Available" when people propose their new User Names.
you connect to Twitter with other applications, you will need to update
your credentials on those applications with your new User Name.(eg. Hootsuite etc.)